Jesus Film

Click here to watch the Gichuka Jesus Film online.

Launching of the Gichuka Jesus Film

Atungatĩri makĩamũra Cinema ya Njĩcũ tarĩki 10/04/2019 Kanithani ya PCEA Chuka

The Gichuka Jesus Film has been shown to over 2,000 people around Chuka region in the following areasː Mũtũbe, Ndagani, Karandini, Kĩbũgua, Kangũtũ, Kambandi na Werũ, Ĩkũũ and Mũgwe with many people accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Jesus Film Show at Ĩkũũ Market

On 21st April 2019, in partnership with KAG Church, Ĩkũũ.

The Gichuka Jesus Film has been shown to over 2,000 people around Chuka region in the following areasː Mũtũbe, Ndagani, Karandini, Kĩbũgua, Kangũtũ, Kambandi na Werũ, Ĩkũũ and Mũgwe with many people accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Jesus Film Show at Ĩkũũ Market

On 21st April 2019, in partnership with KAG Church, Ĩkũũ.

Jesus Film Show at PCEA Mũgwe Church

On 22nd April 2019, in partnership with PCEA Mũgwe Church.

Jesus Film Show at Kĩbũgua Market

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