Our Events

Our Past events

Jesus Film Show at Ikuu Market

Dateː Sunday 21st April 2019

Timeː From 6.00 pm

In partnership with KAG Church, Ikuu

Jesus Film Show at PCEA Mũgwe 

Dateː Monday 22nd April 2019

Timeː From 6.00 pm

In partnership with PCEA Mũgwe Church


Up to now, the Jesus Film has been shown in the following shopping centresː Mũtũbe, Ndagani, Karandini, Kĩbũgua, Kangũtũ, Kambandi and Werũ.

  • About 2,000 people have already watched the film. About 280 souls have received the Lord Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. We give God all the gloryǃ

Launching of the Gichuka Jesus Film

Ntukũ ya Kwamũra Cinema ya Njĩcũ ya Gĩchuka, Kanithani ya PCEA Chuka.

Atungatĩri makĩamũra Cinema ya Njĩcũ tarĩki 10/04/2019 Kanithani ya PCEA Chuka

The Clergy from Chuka dedicating the Book of Luke translated into Gĩchuka on Saturday 28th January, 2017 at Chuka PCEA Grounds.


Dedication of the Book of Luke (Saturday 28th January 2017)

PCEA Kambandi Choir perform a Gichuka song during the Dedication of Gospel of Luke in Gichuka on 28th January 2017. The Choir is led by Rev. Patrick Kirimi Njoka.

Kambandi PCEA Choir

Launching of the Chuka Translation Project

Chuka Bible Project Launch

Paul Machira at Chuka

International Literacy Day (8th September) every year

This year the International Literacy Day shall be held on Friday 7th September since 8th of September falls on a Saturday.

International Literacy Day Celebrations

International Literacy Day at the DC's Grounds Chuka.

International Mother Language Day (21st February every year)

To read more about International Mother Language Day, click here.

International Mother Language Day

A Bible Translator of Tharaka Bible speaking to public during International Mother Language Day at Kĩbũgua Stadium.

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